Friday, 29 April 2016
TTTequila - because I'm a girl
Thursday, 28 April 2016
Love and beds
Wednesday, 27 April 2016
I've had AMAZING breaks however...well one, I've had one amazing break a few weeks back....
It's a fact that a boost of exercise is great for the mind. Some would say it's chicken soup for the soul. You pump your blood to where it needs to go and it goes a bit faster, your heart rate goes up and you feel great. Well I feel great. If I had work I wanted to do, I'd surely do it! But instead, I'll just sit here smiling, full of beans and able to update my app with fifteen minutes of exercise. Oh ja, it's not a lot but for a cat who does not a lot more than walk and talk and drive, it's a start in the most awesome of directions.
What helps - with me - is that I didn't suck so badly. My fear of failure means I don't like starting/doing things I think I'll probably be rubbish at. I'm like the toddler who learns to walk on Tuesday and is then frustrated on Friday, when they can't climb stairs like a pro.
But I was expertly given my first lesson - I'm the only pupil, which means I get the best in one on one tuition. I get a professional touch, a smoothing of my fault lines, a caress of my skills. And also I get taught how to play. ;o)
Tuesday, 26 April 2016
Birds sing at 4.30am. I forgot that
Sunday, 24 April 2016
Wanderlust/wonder lust
Scribble your stuff
Wednesday, 20 April 2016
Tropical London
Tuesday, 19 April 2016
More More More
Regardless.... renew that passport, stretch those smooth like feets. Get moving.
Never be complacent; Be Alive - AJG
Saturday, 16 April 2016
Bare Poker and chips
3 ciders in and everyone knows the light weight I am. I've been shopping. I have observations. All saints is divine. More so in an outlet store. It's now proven it's my Heaven shop. Ted baker is overpriced but has beautiful bikinis. And a dress like my mothers wedding dress (the fake one). I tried it on....I am not adopted. Not as stunning as she was and obviously more blonde but it's there.
Gap won out. But people (women) are not friendly beings. Or they saw the glint of old mout in my eyes. Either way, no one reciprocated my happy vibe. Shame on them. I'm great fun today. And also the proud owner of new denim. It was going to be cat skin stuff but denim won that battle.
And now I'm back in the cashino and it's much busier, the music is better. The chips are going down and the house is winning. But what a happy vibe.....even the Chinese ladies are smiling....they looked sleepy and pissed off when I left. Maybe they're happy I came back to shove them off a roulette table.
I quite love the sound of the chips being swept up. Love seeing TB in this environment where his smile is loud. Such a buzz.
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Impressions of another cashino
Super chilled. This is my overall impression. It's in the middle of a retail outlet. This is where the casual gambler comes. Or the wealthy pensioner who lives on the wharf.
It's only early but there's no shrieky people, the music is Muzak....the food smells good. And the vibe is relaxed and laid back.
All the staff are not from these shores. I suspect a lot of them whinge about the weather being not like "home". *insert whine cheese joke which I must remember*
I like it.
But then it's going to take something big to wipe the smile off my face....this weekend I found out I really like saunas and steam rooms. The heat from a sauna was made for me. The heat seeps into my bones making them giggle with glee. They stretch and exclaim "YESH PLEASE, MORE SIR!!" And I obliged. The sauna is a little bit sexy too. With the right person obs....bodies glistening, it's hot, it's humid, beads of liquid pooling in places that could be touched. Yup it's sensual. And then the bliss of cooling off in a jacuzzi. I am putting it on my list of things that make me feel glorious.
Is this weekend just what was ordered for us? I'm thinking so. To regroup, recharge, re-enjoy what makes us great.
There's a niggle in my head re not getting an interview but the niggle isn't that I'm not good enough, but rather that I know, I didn't give it my best...I didn't try my hardest. I thought I had done just enough and that kind of shit doesn't cut it. So yes I'm kind of embarrassed I didn't get through. For my first attempt it wasn't all bad but really I'm pissed at myself for not giving it everything. I have paid the price. Now the pressure is on to be awesome in another interview and hope I don't screw it up. Time to prepare and not just leave it to the fates.
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Thursday, 14 April 2016
The art of the witty comeback.
I can be sarcastic, I can be a snotty cow. I can drop a one liner worthy of a jaw drop.
But for the most part they stay in my head. My observations, my bitchy comments, they are internal. My filter is good. I hear a question, the sarky answer is said in my head and something innocuous comes out in its place. It works, life isn't a conflict, people remain happy and confrontations are avoided.
But if I've been hurt or feel aggrieved, sometimes when drunk....the filter gives up on itself. The brain wants all to know that there's no wool over the eyes, that I'm more aware than I'm letting on and out comes what's in my head.
Sometimes my brain has the wrong idea. Sometimes I listen to my gut instead and that filter is working fine.
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Wednesday, 13 April 2016
Social non-niceties
Sunday, 10 April 2016
Naps that aren't epic
Sunday, 3 April 2016
Of books
Heels and cat skin
Saturday, 2 April 2016
Awesome man
In and our jokes
Epic naps
Word play
Fore play
Cat skins
Bear tales
Fishing casinos
Wishing on dreams
Tripping on roads
Love Laughter Shtuffs
2 April 2016
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Friday, 1 April 2016
Warm up the ice
Travel sick
There we go, I forgot what this felt like. See I don't do holidays - not really. I've done a few but it's not really what I do...
Since the stroke (4 years this month) my mom has struggled with getting her mouth to say what her brain means. She knows what she wants to s...
There's so much I want to write, so much in my heart that I want to say. But the words won't come. They are stuck. I know I'm n...
So I've said goodbye yet again. Or is it a see you around? I think maybe it is. I like to harbour a tiny thought that maybe the chapter ...