Thursday 28 April 2016

Love and beds

I'm reading a book. It's called the genius of Shakespeare. It's great so far. 

I'm not long in but I've come across a bit I love. 

That Shakespeare gifted Anne Hathaway his 2nd best bed in his will. Now some people believe that's because he was snubbing her, but there is another theory that the best bed would have been for guests and the second best bed would have been their marital bed and therefore would have their memories. 

I love that theory. It plays to the smooshy side of my brain. That he cared and loved for her so dearly, that he wished she always remembered them in that bed. 

And beds are special, it's where dreams happen, it's quite often where life begins and ends. It's where you rest your brain, your body. It's the place you love....where you share a body. You are vulnerable in a bed. You can shut out the world, you can just be. 

I love you so much, I gift you my second best bed. 

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