Sunday 8 January 2012

My mom

Since the stroke (4 years this month) my mom has struggled with getting her mouth to say what her brain means. She knows what she wants to say, she just can't say it.

She battles with remembering my name but since she's called me 'sweetheart' and 'darling' for most of my life, I don't begrudge her not getting Alison out there. My son's name she is okay with and she can spell Dad's and her own. But still, I keep saying to her 'What's my name, what's my name' (just like a Rihanna song).

This week she decided it was Veronica. VERONICA!! I've NEVER been a Veronica. Even prior to my birth, I was a Bronwyn, Morag or Megan, never Veronica! Still that was amusing. Today not so much.

CG is a massive 14 in February... I'm another age after that. We were chatting about this and I said I found it lovely that Stephen Hawkings had made it to 70. The conversation went on, we discussed that she was an age of 60+ this year blah blah blah and then she says 'and you'. So dad informs her I'll be **. She says

"No!" Like it's unbelievable that I could be that old. I confirm it is true. She says "You'll be 70!"

Somehow, me and Stephen Hawkings age had become interwined and that was that.

So in March I'll be 70 - older than my mother!


  1. Not looking too shabby for a 70 year old! ;) xx

  2. Hell you're even older than I am! Embarrassing for me that you look so much younger than I do.


Travel sick

 There we go, I forgot what this felt like.  See I don't do holidays - not really. I've done a few but it's not really what I do...