Sunday 8 January 2012


Ugh! I hate that my first post in 2012 was about that awful man. So here's a much better one. :D
New Years are all about resolutions aren't they? I don't normally make them but I thought I'd give it a little bit of a go this year.
1) No more making excuses for bad behaviours or attitude (this is going well, so far it's not broken)
2) Try to stop Coca Cola intake (this lasted a day and a half before the crippling headache reared it's ugly little head)
3) Now that I'm getting older, attempt a beauty regime of creams and stuff (when I remember, this is working a treat!)
4) Don't stress with work stuff (day 5 of work and so far I've only rolled my eyes twice)
5) Don't smoke (pretty easy since I gave up AGES ago!) *always good to put a resolution in you KNOW you're going to keep

All in all, 2012 is working in my favour. Here's hoping it's working out for everyone too. Seems like a lot of people I know, have had a rough couple of years (I do hope I'm not the common denominator!?) and I hope this is the year it all turns around for everyone.

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Travel sick

 There we go, I forgot what this felt like.  See I don't do holidays - not really. I've done a few but it's not really what I do...