Tuesday 23 May 2017


Growing up in SA, so many years ago, we didn't get to see international bands all that much. Won tickets to modern talking at age 13. 😉 Saw a few others in my teens.

So I have taken and made sure my son has had the chance to go to many gigs/shows/arenas. His first arena was 30 seconds to mars at age 11.

I've encouraged him to see as much live music as possible. We've done festivals etc etc. He goes off on his own now and my greatest fear is that he breaks a bone in a mosh pit (or misses his train home). You don't send your kids off to a gig and worry some ass is going to try and blow your babies up. You just don't. We shouldn't have to.

And I know people say, 'oh this is the world we live in now'. And I have no response to that, other than to ask what can we do to change that.

And I'm not saying I'll stop him from going or not go myself. That's not the way we live.

 I guess we educate ourselves and those around us more. Since the Eagles of Dearh Metal attack, I've gone to gigs and worked out escape routes. I go on public transport and I work out escape routes. Adapting to the threat of a terrorist attack being always a threat.

I suppose that might be the answer. You don't just roll over and say that's how life is now and therefore I'm never going to go out to a public event. You adapt to the threats around you and like a giraffe at a watering hole, you keep an eye out for the lions. But you still enjoy your water.

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