Wednesday 4 December 2013


I wish there was a feedback button for when you delete people off Facebook. And maybe even when you add them. But back to deleting.
You'd get the option button saying 'no feedback required' for those who you added because you thought you knew them but actually you didn't - you just added because they had 78 friends in common with you, therefore you assumed you must know them and your brain had forgotten them. It's easier to add that kind of person that admit old age. There's also that social embarrassment of 'shit, this person remembers me and yet I have no idea who they are'. You made an impact (be it big or small) in their lives and you can't even remember them. That's happened to me in the first days of Facebook. I added a girl, her name was vaguely familiar but I didn't have a clue. She posted stuff on my wall about the great times we had, the parties she enjoyed at my house, how I was so funny (always nice to be told this) ad infinitum, and still I could not place her. 16 years had passed since that kickass party at my house (the one she was raving about), I had also been raging drunk at said party. She had grown up so the picture bared no resemblance to anyone I had known. So, I went to my diaries - I used to write lists of who had attended parties.Found her name, still didn't have a clue. It wasn't until her 10th post about another party where things were broken that I twigged who she was and felt so guilty - I knew her well back in the day.
Anyway, back to deleting people. I want radio buttons when I delete people. Things like:
a) we used to be friends, now looking at your picture makes me sick
b) you bore me with the same posts I've seen forever
c) if I see another picture of an injured child/rhino/piglet/etc I will scream and never stop
d) I don't relish seeing religion on my feed
e) seeing what you're up to makes me sad. Not for you, I want to be happy for you, but I'm sad for me
f) you suck (variant on above)
g) I don't know who you are, why you added me or where I know you from
h) you talk shit and it annoys me
i) your girlfriend pisses the living shit out of me with her 'I wuff you bbe' posts.
j) Your lack of command over the English language makes me want to throw things - at you
k) No feedback required
l) No hard feelings

Hmmm I sound grumpy and people might wonder why I even go onto Facebook if that's my attitude. Well I like Bejeweled Blitz and I like seeing pictures of my friends and family - since the majority of them live so far away. And really, this post is directed or rather, popped into my head because of a few people who tick a few of those radio buttons I want. I normally delete people (or just not add them) without any compunction or guilt but there's a few that I would like to erase from my wall/life but lack the guts to do. Not that I fear I'll hurt them (although there is that), but the no going back once I've done it. It's the letting go I'm finding hard. Okay, it's also the hurting them and in some instance, will they even notice?

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