Sunday 1 December 2013

To catch fish and other tall tales

To catch a fish, one must be confident in one's ability to catch said fish. If you go into the fishing expedition with less than 100% certainty that you can net/hook/get the food, then you'll never get the fish you've set your eyes on.

And you must make sure that you're wanting to hook the right fish. Don't go for the most brightly coloured one, they fade after a few twinkles of their scales.

Once you are sure about your fish, you'll now have to think about bait. What will hold your fish' interest enough for Fishie to nibble and then bite down hard? Don't lure Fishie in with false bait - Fishie will know, and work out very soon, that the bait on offer is not the one it's going to get. Fish are not as stupid as we would want to believe they are.

I go for the CCC approach. A fish loves a calm fisherman. Hysterics and loud noises will frighten off even the most boldest. A confident fisherman but not bolshy will also impress the fish long enough for it to have another look. And finally the last C - the one you need to work out yourself. It could be a number of things, it's the magic X ingredient that lands you the meal for the dinner table. You'll know it when you're sitting at the water's edge, dipping your toes into the river/ocean/place you do your fishing and wondering if you'll sink or swim. When you're looking at the fish swimming past. It's when you get your Confidence that you can land one.

Then you're ready my little fisherfolk.

1 comment:

Travel sick

 There we go, I forgot what this felt like.  See I don't do holidays - not really. I've done a few but it's not really what I do...