Friday 29 November 2013


I was talking today about my blog and how I try to give 'names' to the people I mention. They have their own names, that their parents gave them obviously but because I don't go around asking 'Do you mind if I a) write about you and b) what name do you wish me to use?", I tend to give them names that are of my own making. I sometimes even do this in real life. Most of my close friends know who 'Fish' is. Even 'Fish' knows who 'Fish' is. *I'm not sure the blog has been introduced to Fish, but maybe when I'm feeling bold*

So naturally the team I work with, were curious about their names. I had to confess I hadn't written about them. Imagine, these are people I spend the majority of my week with and yet, they haven't been mentioned. Oh the horror of it all. And here you have it, the really lovely team I work with. It's important to get on with your team at work, I think so. I like to like my team, because they're the people I want to help and who I want to help me. They're the folk I want to have a cracking time with at the Christmas meal and who if I'm feeling crappy of a day, they'll be concerned enough to enquire and vice versa. If I've had a good thing happen, I'd like them to share that joy. You get the picture.

So in no particular order *names subject to change*

First off we have the epitome in style - I think I might call her Grace Kelly. When I first got introduced to her, I likened her, to my aunt, as being like my Nana. The inflections in her voice, the can-do and no-nonsense attitude, the dress sense. This lady is a lady - no question about it. She oozes great dress sense and grace and fantastic taste in bags.
Then we have The Rock - not to be likened to him of a wrestling nature but more because she's just stable in all senses of the words and I know that on any given day, no matter what, I'm getting the same from her. The same treatment. Now the Rock and I seem to share the same sense of wacky humour. I love that.
Moving on and this is the tricky one, I want to call her Little Miss Sunshine but also Bee. I think I'll go for Bee... she's blonde, she's bubbly, she's beyond funny, she's buzzly (fizzy). Quite honestly, she's bonkers too!

Actually quick interject, I've just realised something about my team. We're all really honest people. Straight talkers who are a good honest bunch. I had been working with the same people for so long and I wasn't really sure how to take this new 'crew' but they're good.
I'll continue once I've given more thought to names... there's quite a few to go!

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Travel sick

 There we go, I forgot what this felt like.  See I don't do holidays - not really. I've done a few but it's not really what I do...