Tuesday 14 October 2014

Blood vs Water - The Battle that never was

They say (them again...who ARE they?) that blood is thicker than water. Well, I think in some cases my water is thicker than my blood.

And I've got some great water. Of course it takes a big event to know who your blood and water is. And some water has been rather tasteless and some blood has been severely diluted.

But back to the positives - the water that I've got is great. I didn't think I had such a great core of people who honestly care for me so much. And from the sources I didn't think possible.

I know when Nhandi died, I got so much support - from people/acquaintances that had gone through it or appreciated the bond Nhands and I had.

But with Peter, it's been a different story. It's been a hard line to take, to realise that people can be so wrapped up in their own bitterness that they can't or won't appreciate that they are not the only ones grieving. No matter, I shall stand up tomorrow and I shall say what my brother meant to me.

Back to the blood/water analogy. There are people in my life who I have known forever - my dad's best friend's girls. I've always seen them as family. They are not water, they never have been. Maybe it's shared history, maybe it's memories of times of immense hilarity that I've not had with other members of my family but whatever, Susan, Heather and Kate are family.

And then I go onto the Book of Face and there's a message on my wall from a woman who I know ever so slightly from an expat group I used to belong to....we aren't friends in the true sense of the word. But this woman, has taken time out of her day (and I know she's going through some tough times of her own) to wish me well and to say I'm in her prayers at this time. Things like that make my heart glow, they really do.

I count the 'water' in my life and realise having the 'blood' not being great, isn't that big a deal. That's just their way, it's not mine. I count the 'water' in my life and realise I want to keep them close.

I'm rubbish at this though... very much like my brother in this respect. I will make more effort. I must.

I'm getting better. I communicate more, although I don't think I'll ever manage to send Christmas cards. I know what I do... what I do is try not to impose. But people think you are offish then. However, I don't ever make a plan, I instead wait for others to include me in theirs. Maybe it's a rejection fear? I would hope it isn't.... I think it's the not wanting to be a pain in the arse. Now that I know this, I should maybe not give a shit as much.

May I come around?
Shall I bring a bottle?
Oh can I join in?

Things I don't say often, but maybe should.

HA! I've done something I've not in a while, started a blog about one thing, ended up on another.

It goes without saying that T_B, as well as making epic road trips bearable, has also become a fabulous pint of water.

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Travel sick

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