Wednesday 15 October 2014


Well, what a weird and surreal day it has been.

Today, we buried my brother. Seems beyond strange to type that. He is gone, really gone. And with things of this nature, you only realise it once you've said goodbye to all that came and you're at home reflecting on the day. My brother is not with us. I thought back to the last funeral (my nana's) and he was at that one.

I was proud of my dad - so proud. That he got through today with so much dignity. I was proud of my mom who sung the last song played when I didn't even know she knew it (she was the only one singing besides the singer. I was proud of my nephews, my son and even myself. I didn't go to pieces on the podium and I really thought I was going to such was the level of my shaking.

My sister in law - unbelievably lovely after so many years passed.

It was low key, it was a quiet do. It was Peter. You couldn't ask for more.

Peter - Go with peace and love and rest well.

Not sure who is going to tease me now.

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Travel sick

 There we go, I forgot what this felt like.  See I don't do holidays - not really. I've done a few but it's not really what I do...