Tuesday 9 September 2014

Stepping into the chill

I'm sitting outside on my step (see third ever blog I think) and it really is one of my 'places'. Where I can think, where I feel ok. 
My reflective step? My happy step? I'm not sure it needs a label but this step has seen it all and been quite the step. 

So I'm out here now and I can feel autumn nipping it's way in.  It's not fierce in it's approach but it's coming. It's making it's presence felt. I'll need a cushion to keep my derrière warm in a matter of weeks. 
Anyway, it's nice. I can hear the sounds of urban life, kids still playing outside, cars zooming around and the sky is still blue. Crisscrossed with white ribbons of cloud and airplane trails. But it is blue. 
Everything is still green...this is England  after all. To the untrained, it could be spring. I also have a neighbour who has such a laugh on him. I'd love to know what makes his belly giggle so much. 
And I am calm. I have questions, many I probably won't ask. I also have that 6th sense of perception so it's maybe best I don't. 
I am a bit like spring/autumn today. Sunny with a hint of chill. Putting on the summer but really I'm gearing up for cold/ice. I recognise this, that's an achievement, a progress if you will. 

Bring a jumper, and a cushion. 

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Travel sick

 There we go, I forgot what this felt like.  See I don't do holidays - not really. I've done a few but it's not really what I do...