Sunday 23 December 2012

Happy birthday!

*in the absence of Nhandi's wall - as she no longer has a Facebook page*

Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday dear NHANDIIIIII, Happy birthday to youoooooooou! 
♥ you ♥ my darling girl.

this is the first birthday we've not been able to talk since 1988 - I cannot tell you how that breaks me into pieces. There is so much I still need to say to you. Like how every time we had a birthday, we added another tequila to the ever increasing number of birthdays we had missed and planned on the day we'd drink them. There is no way I can drink your share! And how on every birthday, you'd quote Alice in Wonderland (Alison Wonderland lol) to me because you knew I loved it. So in the essence of Alice, here's one for you my angel:

Child of the pure unclouded brow
And dreaming eyes of wonder!
Though time be fleet, and I and thou
Are half a life asunder,
Thy loving smile will surely hail
The love-gift of a fairy-tale.

I have not seen thy sunny face,
Nor heard thy silver laughter;
No thought of me shall find a place
In thy young life's hereafter -
Enough that now thou wilt not fail
To listen to my fairy-tale.

A tale begun in other days,
When summer suns were glowing -
A simple chime, that served to time
The rhythm of our rowing -
Whose echoes live in memory yet,
Though envious years would say 'forget'.

Come, hearken then, ere voice of dread,
With bitter tidings laden,
Shall summon to unwelcome bed
A melancholy maiden!
We are but older children, dear,
Who fret to find our bedtime near.

Without, the frost, the blinding snow,
The storm-wind's moody madness -
Within, the firelight's ruddy glow,
And childhood's nest of gladness.
The magic words shall hold thee fast:
Thou shalt not heed the raving blast.

And though the shadow of a sigh
May tremble through the story,
For 'happy summer days' gone by,
And vanish'd summer glory -
It shall not touch with breath of bale
The pleasance of our fairy-tale.
*Alice in Wonderland - through the Looking Glass*

And it's a happy birthday to my Nana too. And I do hope they are in Heaven or somewhere just as pretty in my head, eating Nana's chocolate cake. Two women who loved me unconditionally and who shaped a part of who I am today, without a doubt. Two women who I loved just as unconditionally back and who I love dearly.

I have lit a candle every day since 11 November, but today I lit a special one for the both of them. 

Saturday 15 December 2012

The world

I know diversity in this world is a good thing - after all it's supposedly what makes the world go around. But I do wish all the evil ones would bugger off to the moon or somewhere.

Is there really a place in this world for those who kill and scar innocent children? Is there really a place in this world for genocide? And on a more personal level, is there really a place in this world for people who consider themselves beyond reproach and hide behind their actions? All the while being so horrible to those who need their love the most and their understanding.

We all grieve, mourn, rejoice and celebrate in different ways. Some of us cry quietly (or loudly) when we think no one is watching. Other smile through their tears. And then there are the few that attack everyone and everyone because they believe their emotions, their loss, their feelings are more important that others.

I lost my best friend a month ago. But I don't believe that I have made anyone feel that their loss and their grief is less than mine, or should be less than mine. I have not said to anyone "Actually she was only an acquaintance so my loss is worse". Crumbs, of course I haven't, because everyone is unique and quite frankly death affects us all differently. That doesn't make me better than anyone but it does make me think I'm more understanding than some people. I feel angry that she's gone, so angry at so many things on so many levels. But I will not make this anger public. I certainly believe that Facebook is definitely not the place for anger or pointing fingers. Facebook is a social place - it doesn't need to be a place where you begin war.

I don't feel anyone has the right to tell others how to feel or act. BUT I do believe that good will out. That the truth will surface. My angel told me a lot of things, a lot of things that I shall keep private and between myself and her as she intended.  Because I knew her, and I know what she wanted out of life. And no one will ever be able to take that away from me. No one will ever be say to me that I wasn't her best friend and that I wasn't there for her. And I must confess, I hate that people are saying 'oh I knew this' and 'I knew that' because I read it and think: actually you didn't know her very well at all if you thought that. And the bitch inside of me rears it's little head and remembers what she said about how those people treated her, and I wonder how they can continue to be so two-faced in her name and her memory.

And I hope I'm in a happy place soon where the anger has dissipated to a dull roar. Because last night in a crowded venue, I felt alone and it was not nice. I stood in a large group, my smile masking my quivering mouth, daring not to blink for fear of the tears that were filling my eyes. It's not who she'd want me to be. I do know that. She'd be hugging me and telling me to dance that little bit more.

Saturday 8 December 2012


It has hit me, I'm very sad. I'm not really by nature, I FAR prefer to have lines of wrinkles that come from the smiling and not the frowning. But I'm sad. I'm just full of utter grief.

And I don't know what to do. I mean, what can a person do? Is this something that fades into a distant ache? Do you get so angry, you explode? Or do you alienate everyone in the hope that you never hurt like this again?

This is such a new experience for me and I'm so lucky, I know I am, that it is a new experience. I'm not saying I've not been bereaved before, of course I have. But while I sobbed like a stupid thing for days, I didn't have this emptiness in my heart and soul. I got sad, I got to remember great times and then while I still miss those people, I carried on.

But Nhandi, losing her has just broken me. I just can't shake this feeling that on 11 November 2012, I had half my soul ripped out of me. I feel so empty, so unworthy, such a horrible person, like all my goodness and sparkle and happiness has left me. This is not me. How do I fix it? I want her back so badly. That's not going to happen is it? I'm without her forever.

And I have this feeling, that this is going to shape my life from here on in. I'm always going to be that person that had a best friend from childhood who passed away. By no means unique I'm sure.

I don't want CG to see me like this - so I cry in the car, when I'm alone and driving. This is not healthy nor safe.  I sit in the car park at work and cry alone. I sit in the driveway in my car and sob. What I want is for her to hug me while I cry - like she did when my Nana died (the only time I can relate how awful I'm feeling now). Or someone, someone to give me a hug. My mom did but it's hard with her - she's gets upset so easily and I don't want her to have that burden.

I'm selfish, I know I am. There's so many out there with so little compared to me. There's so many out there who have lost more than I have.

And guilty, I feel guilt for wanting to go to the Christmas party next week and dance my feet into a hangover.

Wednesday 5 December 2012

Letting go

I bought a magazine yesterday...which is strange in itself. I used to be a magazine junkie. Would buy at least 6 a month (thinking one was a weekly and then two others) and then all of a sudden about 18 months ago (might be more), I just didn't.

Until yesterday.

Now normally my magazine ritual is flick through the pages, just look at the pictures, put the thing down, go back to it a few days later to read any articles that have got me interested.

Not the magazine I bought yesterday. I have read it cover to cover pretty much (bar 4 pages I skipped - advert based ones).

One article has struck a chord with me. It was about letting go of people or things that you feel might be holding you back, or in other words, preventing you from living your life the way you should.

I have such an article/person in my possession. I know it's/they are something I should let go. And just when I think I have, it rears it's head and I'm not moving in the direction I should be.

So my New Years resolution comes early this year: I made some for the first time for 2012 and was successful in mostly all of them.

My New Years resolution is to myself, to let it go. To break the ties that bind. To release this object and I believe I will feel sadness and relief and a lightness that I have not felt for many years.

Was this article put in my path for a reason? I think it was.

Come Saturday, I could (no no, I WILL) be starting a new chapter. It'll be hard, of this I have no doubt. But if anything, I'm very stubborn and therefore I know I will do this. So Saturday it is. I shall stand in a queue and send things far away and then I shall walk to my car, with a tear in my eye and say farewell and goodbye and I will not say 'see you later', I will not say 'maybe the time or the day will come'. Because I know now, that it absolutely won't. There is no such thing as epic things finding their way and so on. Life is about making choices and my choices, my wishes aren't the same as others.

But first, before Saturday comes, I will take heed of the article I read and I'll imagine a figure of 8 and I'll separate myself from what I am saying goodbye to and I will wish it well, I shall wish it good health and good luck.

And hopefully when my tear has dried, I will no longer mourn for the 'could have beens' and the 'happily ever afters' that are not coming my way.

Travel sick

 There we go, I forgot what this felt like.  See I don't do holidays - not really. I've done a few but it's not really what I do...