Tuesday 11 October 2016


It's technology, I'm far too involved with it. I think I'm not, I think 'oh ja, I could survive on a deserted island'. For shore.... as long as there was wifi. And a device. And apps that work. And maybe  my coffee machine. I'd like to think I could do without my curling tongs, and I believe that I could. I did Thailand without them. Oh I took them along for the journey, but they tripped wires, fuses and switches every time I put them on, so I went alá frizz. But the wifi... that would have to come along.

I have been most put out that my blogger app is on the fritz. It crashes, it lets me type two sentences and then poof, it is gone! And I've not always had the app so clearly I can live without it - I mean look at me here, typing away on a desktop. And that's the nutshell with our tech and love for it. The more we get, the more we want it to work and work well, and work fast. When it doesn't, we bemoan the ability to do stuff - but we've done 'stuff' before, and we did it perfectly adequately.

I will try to download my app again, it was easy to use on the go (such as cashino trips which aren't on here now etc) but actually I type better and faster and longer on a keyboard. Again, it's time, time is essentially what we all want more of. So by wanting our apps and stuff to go faster - we think we are gaining a minute here and there.

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Travel sick

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