Saturday 16 July 2016

Buildings have feelings too

I wanted to do a blog - it's been sitting in my head for about 3 weeks - I wanted to do a blog about how much I've changed since joining where I worked to now. But I think the history of this blog is testament to that. I've been to a few leaving presentations - which utterly convinced me not to have one - and most of them say it was all about the people not the work blah blah smooze - except for that one person who said they hated every minute of every hour and to be fair, their collection was reflective of the mutual dislike.

For me, it wasn't so much the people - you get people everywhere (duh!) and you'll make friends everywhere. For me, it was the building.... that throwback from the 60's with it's weird design (so weird that I got lost on my first day and again on my very last day - 4000 of them in between), that dark clouds always appeared to hang over. That building has given me some memories. I was so daunted when I went in (and got lost) on that first day - by the end, I knew if I carried on walking, I'd find a familiar landmark.

That building has shared in my life... seeing me sob in the car park, fall in the bathroom, a sponsored silence (NEVER AGAIN), running to the hospital for various things (CG, my mom, my dad, my broken hand/arm), getting stuck in a lift and meeting my H for the first time - what an impression I made. Coercing Ben to fold his lanky self into a box and jump out singing Happy Birthday. And my army boys - making friendships that have been really sweet. Meeting TB - the list is endless. And that's the thing with buildings, they share in your life. That's true of any building. The day I move out of this house, I will sob like a toddler without a biscuit.

The people? Meh, I think I'll miss working with a few but the ones I really like, I'll see again. So no - the people made work bearable (some of them) but I'll not miss them to the point of bawling my eyes out. The building did that for me.

AHouse, you've seen me become an adult - at my worst and at my best.

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Travel sick

 There we go, I forgot what this felt like.  See I don't do holidays - not really. I've done a few but it's not really what I do...