Saturday 31 May 2014

Personality types

So, I'm in training and I'll be honest and say it's not the best experience I've ever had in my life. Yes, there have been giggles. But mainly, in the whole, it's dire.

And has given me much in the way of self analysis. I look around and wonder that if one day, I'll turn into these people I'm surrounded by. I don't think it's possible but maybe in the future, I'll be as petty and jaded as some of them appear to be.

Yesterday we did a personality test and I got quite annoyed in the aftermath. Now, lets get something straight, I enjoy being 'good' at my's what I want to be. I'm not saying I love the organisation I work for, nor that I love how they go about things but I want to be capable. It's the whole wanting to know what you're doing for me. It's that learning to run before walk thing. And yes, that's probably my personality type. I also don't like to be pigeon holed. And I looked at all those personality types and thought I would fit into all those boxes but I came out strong in Activist or something with an A. That in itself didn't bother me too much, I can see that yes, I would sometimes be in that box and wow...good on me for still being that type after 10 years working where I do.

But it was when the trainer said those people weren't the people you'd want solely in an office, that I got annoyed. I've been damn great in my job - I've got reports that say so. And if I hadn't jumped up and offered for something - thinking of two instances off the top of my head - I would not have a) been promised an award and b) met TheBear. So...stuff the trainer yes? But as I reflect (hahahhaa see I do fit into another personality box) I think, well actually I KNOW the office isn't where I'm strongest, where I was meant to be. I wasn't wired for sitting at a desk - which is why I offer out for stuff due to boredom thresholds being high when I am behind a desk for 7 hours a day.

Yesterday I was annoyed. Today I am slightly less so because it's just another firecracker getting let off showing me what I need to do.

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