Wednesday 23 April 2014


The problem with my words, is that they come to me as I'm dropping off to sleep.

So last night, early this morning, around 1am, I started a train of thought, and I considered voice noting it all, as it was flowing quite nicely in my head. I'll remember that for the morning, was my last conscious thought. Bollocks if it was. I can remember the subject, can I remember my words...can I hell!

But it was about passion - when a person chooses to share their passion with me - be it a few pieces of it, their hopes and dreams - I feel privileged. I feel 'blessed' (wrong word, I used the right word at 1am though) that they've thought highly enough of me to share. That this is what makes them tick, makes them face each crappy day (that they might have) because their aspiration, their goal, their dream and their passion is so ahead of them.

And within their grasp. That they are doing steps to make it their reality not just a dream. It's inspiring, it really is. And is that what makes the dreamers act? Is that what spurs us on to do our best, to realise our passions? Because when I hear The Bear talk so animatedly about his 'stuff', when I hear the enthusiasm in his voice, see his eyes sparkle with the telling - it makes me want to jump up and shout "YES! That's exactly what you should do! Do it NOW!" And it also makes me want to get a cracker, stick it up my arse and do the same.

And I'm one of Life's Dreamers - and I love that I have one of Life's Passionates in MY life right now.... to give me that impetus to light that cracker. Obviously, it's not the only thing I like but that's for my musings at 1am not this blog.... *insert smilie here*

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