Monday 4 February 2013

A good day

Today was a good day. It was nothing special, nothing great, nothing changed that was earth-shattering. But today it was a good day.
I learnt how to follow another blog (copy and paste the url - it's THAT easy). I also learnt that I can censor my tongue. That was a lesson that was the whole day in the making.
Let me elaborate. There is a person I don't agree with. This person just riles me. I find this person, for their age, spiteful, vindictive and annoying (not sure which trait p*sses me off the most). S/he is also not the brightest crayon in the box, but I've never held that against a person. Anyway, today I let all the sarky and snidey comments pass over me like the proverbial duck and water on it's back. And it proved to be valuable. I found I was able to do my job - which after all is what I'm paid for. I'm not paid to get on with everyone, all the time.
My second taste of censoring myself came over in a chat group. As it's been well documented *rolleyes*, I'm off to my school reunion this year and a chat group has been set up. We are having some fantastic laughs in there but obviously chat of school days is rearing it's head every now and again. To put it mildly, some things shouldn't be aired over social media, especially from those days. And yes, I know that it's in our past and time has moved on but I appreciate that there will be spouses who might not enjoy that you got up to some shenanigans with their beloved. Some things are best remembered at our actual reunion when we've had a few drinks and more giggles. And today was a day when we remembered the 'olden' days and I managed to censor myself - which to be fair does not happen often. Oh I'm brilliant at keeping other people's secrets - but I consider myself a pretty open book. I often forget that my past is inter-twined with others. So when I burst out with "Oh Gee, do you remember when?', I forget that the person I'm remembering when with, might not really want that part of them known. People reinvent themselves all the time and maybe they don't wish for their old school mates or their spouses or anyone really to know, how sweet they were, or how they wrote love notes on your legs during class. Would I? Well we've established I'm no holds barred so yes, if ever I was sweet, I wouldn't mind the world knowing.

Anyhoo, I'm a little proud of myself for today (clap on back, add and repeat). For not crying in the car - for laughing, for censorship of my brain/mouth. And I'm grateful I've had a good day. I did grab my phone to text Nhandi, some news that only she would have cackled with me over. And I got as far as tapping onto her name in Whatsapp before I realised. But instead of wailing at the sky and demanding her return - I spoke to her instead. So small steps... maybe tomorrow will be a wailing kind of day. Maybe not.

Just as an aside before I drag my bones to bed:  and it's a question for whoever reads this.  My memory is pretty darn good. I'm finding I remember so much about those school days (that chat group is bringing it out). And a long term memory is a good thing... but I remember more than most appear to. Tonight, I remembered making *a boy* (haven't thought of an alias) blush, but not only that, I remembered the song, that a girl did a thumbs up behind him, even where we were in the school hall, the whole episode like it was yesterday and not December 1991. Someone said to me in Thailand, it's a photographic memory. But the way they explained it, it was like associations. For example the person who said that, I know their birthday and I'll know it until the end of time... because it's the day before the Titanic sunk (not the actual day but some years later) and that's the birthday of my very first school friend (Honeybee). So what made me remember the above event? I don't associate it with anything consciously.

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