Sunday 14 October 2012

Single White Female

My son said to me the other day why didn't I have a boyfriend and I couldn't give him a straight answer. How can you say 'er, your mother is most picky and pig headed and quite frankly even if she wasn't, it doesn't appear she's wanted'. So I settled for 'its not on my list of things to do'. 
I am busy, I don't really have time for another person in my life. I'm not sure potential partners would appreciate me saying 'I have a window for you on every Tuesday from 6-7' (for example). And again that's my window to be alone, to have me time. And as flippant as that is, it's got a bit of truth to it. I'd like some company to snuggle on the sofa with, to go on holiday with. I'd like that. But I've got my family to focus on, not relationship drama. And there's always relationship angst. 
CG is my number one, my parents a close second - who wants to be third? People get annoyed with that sentiment. 
And apart from the snuggling sofa bit, I'm pretty content. I don't have to explain to anyone that when I go out with my friends, it's not to 'pull' but to dance. I like nothing better of a night out that to shake my tail feathers and clink my cranberry and vodka with L. But majority of men do not see that, they assume because you've chucked on your heels and a streak of eye liner, you're off to stick your tongue down strangers throats. Not my style, I'm 30-ahem not 17. Also I'm loathe to be someone's points on a grab-a-granny night. ;) 

So yes I remain single, because that's where I want to be. There's a few out there that say it's because I'm bitter and twisty. Not so, if I was, I would not have laid my heart on the line as many times as I have. I would not be challenged by trying to understand male folk and when my son isn't in need of me to be the constant in his life (the stable parent), then I might join a tango class and find myself a Brendan Cole. <-- crap analogy but he's pretty delicious and I love a good tango. 

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Travel sick

 There we go, I forgot what this felt like.  See I don't do holidays - not really. I've done a few but it's not really what I do...