Thursday 27 September 2012


People make the world go round: Fact.

Actually, it's all sorts of people make the world turn. And I do appreciate that the world would be a terribly boring place if we were all the same. Diversity: that, is indeed the spice of life.

However, some people really annoy me. Why can't these be the ones that live in a different county or country and the ones I truly love and like, live near me?

Pretentious people are the ones that get to my GRR switch the most. The ones that are all Mother Earth and recycling and ethnic fabrics, who just HAVE to be organic dahling and listen to elk music because 'natural is the way forward'. These are the same people that wouldn't know a mung-bean if it hit them in the face. They bemoan people who aren't into conservation and who don't 'truly live' their lives - who don't see the world. However, these are the very people that will fly millions of jet fuel miles to visit a supposedly never touched island and stay in 5* luxury.  Who proclaim they are sucking up culture and bemoan that McD's and Starbucks have infiltrated. Yet refuse to eat the local food. Irony. Hypocrites. Pick a word.

I don't doubt they believe they are doing good. But it's the smugness and condescending nature of these people that possibly grate on me the most. 

"Oh Ali, you simply haven't lived, stuck in your little one horse town while I've been cavorting with the locals on some small pacific island/tiny country/etc" they say

To which I ask the question: cavorting with locals you say? staying a wood hut, eating off the land?

The answer is rarely yes.

And I will appreciate that this blog is coming across equally as pretentious and self righteous as the folk I'm mocking.

But I don't pretend to be something I'm not. I'm a mother. I live in a one horse town where the horse died a million years ago. I'm a family gal, I'm happiest amongst friends and family  and I live for my family. I totally made the wrong life choices (read male choices there) in my life. As a result, I am single, which I plan to be forever (or the day I die, whichever comes first). And that's me. I'm fairly simple, down to earth, with a penchant for shoes and books (I stroke them the same way, half a sigh and a gentle touch). I recycle as best as I can. I can sit and stare at the sea for hours, I'm rarely without a pen. So please please, stop trying to belittle me with your pretentious and very silly ways.

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