Wednesday 13 April 2011


As I've lived in England for a million years now (not quite but think it's the longest gap year ever), I think I'm entitled to bleat about the weather. Or indeed blog a bit about it.

Nothing like a touch of Spring and warm weather to make you absolutely abhor it and curse when the 'real' weather comes back into play.

So last week we had unseasonally balmy stuff, lots of sunshine, a bit of heat - indeed temps right up to 20C! Glorious for March. Cue today and it's pretty crap again. Sharp winds, bad tempered looking clouds and a high of 10C. And I had to walk home. Of course, when I started the day off, it looked nice so I was dressed pretty unappropriately. Wind whistling through my ears (nothing much between them), hands like the proverbial ice cubes and legs turning blue. Not a happy bunny. In fact it's taken me two cups of coffee to feel vaguely able to string a sentence without stuttering.
Grr, just make up your mind, be warm or carry on with Winter until it's time to be warm.

Anyway, it took my mind off my hideous wardrobe malfunction <--- oh yes, wearing summer clothes wasn't my only mistake this morning. Getting dresssed in the dark and putting my underwear on backwards and inside out appears to be a talent of mine in the making!

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Travel sick

 There we go, I forgot what this felt like.  See I don't do holidays - not really. I've done a few but it's not really what I do...