Friday 1 April 2011

Another musing....

of mine while bored and having the urge to type. Not sure when I did this one, maybe circa 2009

Love is never having to say you're sorry.

Bollocks! Love is being able to say you are sorry knowing that it will be accepted without a smirk and an urge to punch the receiver in the face.
Love is knowing that no matter how much you attempt to get him around to your way of thinking, deep down you know you wouldn't love him any other way.
Love is looking at his grey hair and thinking 'bwhahahahaha' and offering to pull it out, instead of thinking 'oh oh time to trade this model in'.
Love is him telling you you probably deserve better and  you thinking 'but better is what I got'
Love is wanting to hit him so hard all his teeth fall out, kick him so that he'll never walk again and punch him so he can't breath (with anger not real physical violence)... but in the very next instance wanting to kiss him from head to ankle...slowly. **
Love is him saying something out of the ordinary like 'you smell nice'
Love sucks, but kind of rocks too.

** I feel I must clarify this bit. I never ever condone or support physical or mental abuse. I don't believe that is love at all. What I'm talking about here, is that feeling of frustration you get when someone infuriates you so much but you love them all the same and can't help but grin at their attempt to wind you up.

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Travel sick

 There we go, I forgot what this felt like.  See I don't do holidays - not really. I've done a few but it's not really what I do...