Sunday 24 April 2011

End of the day

Wow, that's a phrase I hate, 'at the end of the day'. Used so much, and means so little. Anyway, I had these words in my head and thought there was no place better to put them. I think I have to start being a do-er and not a thinker <--- see what I did there, totally ruined it. I look all around me, and I'm surrounded by 'doing' people. You know the people, who just do stuff. Don't like their lives, so they change it. Today I spent 3 hours just reading a book in the sun. Was nice but I suppose I could have done more with the time. Book was good though and I'm happy I read it (only now I have nothing to read so swings and roundabouts). Then I walked to the shop for ice-cream. And realisesd that if the world suddenly turned on it's axis, I'd be one of the first to go since I'm so very unfit (probably helps here, if I tell you the book was called Flood and was basically about the world flooding - if it was a movie, it would be better than Waterworld). And if I was a doer kind of person, I'd get up off my lazy ass and get myself fit. However, running bores me and since I've never set foot into a gym (boxercise classes aside), I kind of don't want to ruin that record. Actually running doesn't bore me, if I'm honest, I'm probably too embarrassed to do it. I run like Bambi, it's not attractive and the masses shouldn't be subjected to it really.
But then you think, maybe I should do it in case of a world event where I'm going to need to run - be it from Zombies, or Crazies, or floods etc etc. Another thought, maybe I should change the books I read! :o)
I don't know, I'm 30-ish something and I'm a little bit stagnant, a little bit in a rut, a little bit not living like I think I should. And then we're back to the fat lazy ass again. Gosh, it's like a circle with me.
I believe it has something to do with the weather, the sun comes out and I want to play. I come alive in the warmth, I bask when it shines. I crave the heat and thus try to shake Winter from my bones and attempt to emerge butterfly like from the shell of the miserable months.

This isn't really what I wanted to write about, funny how you start a sentence and them ramble and amble onto something else. I like it.... it feels good. So good in fact, that I shall put a little picture in here, not one that should be shared, I imagine this might be the only picture of me in my glasses. How very vain that I hate being photographed in them (another blog for another time maybe?) I share this picture, to show what a cracking good time I had with Lily on Thursday night. We danced on the wii-dance, we polished off bottles of stuff and put the world to rights as only girl folk can do on a bottle of vodka. I love that I have friends like that, I wish some of them weren't so bloody far away, but I love that I have them.

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Travel sick

 There we go, I forgot what this felt like.  See I don't do holidays - not really. I've done a few but it's not really what I do...