Sunday 21 November 2010

4 years

I almost cannot believe it's been 4 years since my nana died.  I say died because we lost her some years before that to the dreaded dementia/altziehmers (can't spell it, don't want to give that horrible disease more of my time by looking up the spelling).
However, I remember her every day as the most amazing woman. She was all that to me. She was a lot of other things to other people, but to me she was exactly what I wanted to grow up to be. She was a beautiful lady, who carried herself with grace. Who would drive for an hour to see me, quite often just to give me a talk on how to act like a lady.
When I was 15, she told my mother that I was making her proud, that I was turning into quite the beautiful young woman. And I do believe she never gave me another lecture again. She did encourage me to not stay stagnant but to use my wings and youth and fly, to see what the world could offer me. She also made a brilliant chocolate cake. There was nothing she did not do for me. That's not what I miss though. I miss the conversations we would have, how even though I was only a teen, she valued my input and opinion. She never treated me like a child. She introduced me to the theatre and made me love it. She did horlicks and taystee wheat and sat with me (even at age 19) in bed reading Alice's Adventures through the Looking glass.
She taught me that a woman does not need a man to make her complete - that you can be as independant as you like.
I miss her so much. I would love one more week with her, I wish I had known her at the age I am now. No, she wasn't cuddly like most Nana's are. But I had my granny for that.
Nana, I hope I still make you proud and I hope I'm an ounce of the lady you were.

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Travel sick

 There we go, I forgot what this felt like.  See I don't do holidays - not really. I've done a few but it's not really what I do...