Saturday 20 November 2010


I think men like needy women. Just putting the statement out there. I think on the whole, men SAY that they like an independant gal, in fact they are drawn to the woman who looks like she can do it all, fend for herself, needs minimal attention. But I think once they've got these women, they realise they are wanted not needed - big difference - and they run away to find a woman who can't change a lightbulb/tyre/mind. I think if men were to look at themselves they'd admit they enjoy the drama of a high maintenance chick. They like to moan when she calls because 'Oh dear, my nail broke and I NEED you to change the water in the dog's bowl' or some such similar scenario (I'm loving my illiteration tonight). They can then bitch away that she can't do a thing, but they love that they have to break from whatever they were doing to sort out the damsel in distress. And that's it in a nutshell. And I dislike those women.... those women that give the rest of us a seriously bad name. I'll admit I can't change a tyre very well, but I'll give it at least 3 hours before I give in and call someone. I'll confess to not liking it when I have to mow the lawn but I'll not pretend to know how to switch it on.
Maybe this comes from a bitter place within me. But I've worked damn hard to know how to do things on my own. I've not had the luxury of a knight in shining armour. I've had to fit my own toilet suite (however the seat goes down automatically now so suits me), I've had to unblock a sink. So damned if I'm going to let some man come in and do it all for me now when I know I'm capable. Of course if someone offers, I'll quite gladly share the job. And since I really don't like mowing the lawn, I'll let ANYONE do it in return for a cup of tea and a sandwich. ;o)
I don't mind being the person everyone thinks is a bit of a blonde, I do mind coming across as needy so I won't and if that means I lose a man to a woman pretending to have the vapours over a clogged drain or shopping that's too heavy, then so be it.

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Travel sick

 There we go, I forgot what this felt like.  See I don't do holidays - not really. I've done a few but it's not really what I do...