Sunday 19 November 2023


 I'm not a fan. I think if I had a system - tried and tested - I'd probably be better at it. I think if I didn't stop/start my day so much, I'd be more disciplined in it. And I think if it was more enjoyable, I'd like it more. It's always the getting started. Once I begin, I fly through it and won't stop until it's all lovely. For example, today I tackled the bathroom. All the stuffs, throwing out and refilling and cleaning etc. And then I got side tracked and fixed that shower curtain that's been bothering me and it's wonderful now. Next was the kitchen, and that's all sparkling. And then I had to go out. So I've come home and I'm less than enthused to hoover and do my bedding blah blah blah. But I must. However, I'm in a mood. So it's a quick whizz around with the hoover, not the job I had planned. And then the bedroom. 

Clean sheets are such a good thing. I have a method where I do the duvet cover inside out. I'm short, so I can climb right in. Because I hate nothing more than the ends not being in the right corners. It's a rush job so I'm going far too fast, I lean over for the other corner and feel myself tipping over. But it's okay because it's a big bed. I must have got turned around somehow for the next thing I know the tipping is not stopping and I can feel myself falling towards the floor. I stick out a foot, an arm, a head, I shriek and land unceremoniously on the floor - where there are no clothes for once to break my fall. Now I am stuck in the duvet. It's a king size, I am not king-sized (contrary to my mother's opinion). I can't find where to get out, I'm also loathe to let go of the corners because they're a bitch to find again. I scrabble to where I think the opening is, it's not there. I have visions of paramedics bashing down my door, but unable to find me as I'm scrunched up in a duvet cover. 

Anyway, it's done now, I feel like I've done a marathon (this is pure imagination as I have no idea what a marathon entails). I guess I'll appreciate it later. :) 

Saturday 18 November 2023

7 hours 36 min

Seven hours and thirty-six minutes. Longer than some people's working day. Longer than a movie. Another half hour and it's the same time as a trans-atlantic flight. 

 And yet none of it was difficult. It was the right amount of serious, silly and stuff. 

I'm in a worm hole of looking at retirement and never in my million days did I think that would be a fun thing to do. I often say I have never made a major life decision - I have but I never think they are until the event is over. Yet this is a decision that has me armed with a notebook, a pen and a raft of ideas and plans. I can visualise it, which is my thing. If I can 'see' it, then I can make it happen. I can see it, I can see how it could work so well. And I'm invested. 

I'm full of words right now.... but none of them are for this blog. ;) 

Tuesday 14 November 2023

Welcome back

Oh hello, it's me again. I used to love this page, blogging away all my words. But life goes on and we never make the time for the things we really enjoy when work is all-consuming and the words don't want to come out. 

But sometimes it takes a moment to sit and chat with someone and then all the words start clamouring to enter the world. And you still have a doubt if you're any good with them. But you try and there's a kernel of inspiration sitting there. 

When I really sit and think about my childhood, I know without a shadow of a doubt that it was a good one. I never had to worry about some of the things my friends did. And the same goes for my teenager-hood. My biggest concerns were hoping I'd done enough to pass the year, which boy liked me and who my BFF's were. Recently I've been recalling the years I was 15/16 with someone and what sticks out is how those years define me. There's a wild patch of discovery and then there's a maturity when the drama gets far too much. And a step back. Almost a reinvention of the girl I was. And she was pretty cool. It's obviously not who I am now. 

I've written a lot about how travel and experiencing new things has changed me and it's how it's not an Eat Pray love trippy trip but how if you experience a new culture, you get a new perspective on life. If you live by yourself without the trappings of adulthood, you should come away with who you are and what you like. And I did that. I realised that there were things I was accepting of that were unacceptable and I needed to purge them from my life. I needed to grow as a person, I needed to be happy. It's taken me a minute. But I got there. 

To talk to someone that understands that is an immense - and I want to use this word - gift. That is all. I want to use my words more, exercise my brain and do the things I want to do. It's so nice to be able to write again. I'm so rusty but practice makes perfect. 


Travel sick

 There we go, I forgot what this felt like.  See I don't do holidays - not really. I've done a few but it's not really what I do...