Friday 6 December 2019


Gosh, I wish I was more dedicated to writing more of a blog.

However, I am writing more. I bought a (very gold and glittery) A4 book when I was out in SA and I just wrote. Page upon page of all the things. And the book is done. All filled up to the brim with my words. I've read it back and I'm glad I did it. I'm proud of it. It needs bones and more words and structure and all sorts of things like that. But the emotion is there, more importantly the heart of it is there.

So now what.... now I 'flesh' it out and then I look at where it's next journey will take it. And maybe it won't go anywhere just yet. I think that would be okay.

In other news, Summer has well and truly left UK shores. It's cold, it's dark, damp and yet it's not so bad. Ha! Who am I kidding... it's bloody horrible. BUT when I'm keeping warm, I'm content. It's only when I'm battling with the frozen body that I get grumpy. And then I make myself stop, there are plenty who have far more woes, than a few cold toes. (oooh rhyming, how novel!)

Winter will not break me this year. I vow to be better. :)

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Travel sick

 There we go, I forgot what this felt like.  See I don't do holidays - not really. I've done a few but it's not really what I do...