Friday 25 October 2019

time and all it’s things

8 years ago i was leaving Thailand after a gorgeous time. A year ago, I had just got back from Goa and preparing to depart India. I’ve now been back for three months, after 4 months in SA. 
And I love that I’ve done all that. There’s been a quite a lot of other trips in between them (and prior).
I feel so amazed I’ve done all that, so very grateful I’ve had those opportunities. 
When I left school, I wasn’t clear what I wanted to do, but figured travel would do until I found out. Turns out, that’s what I wanted to do all along. 
And now I want to do more. I thought at the end of August, I was done for a while. But actually, I’m not. My feet are itching to roam. 
And it’s not that I don’t love my life here, the people who surround me. I just love packing a case or three and seeing new places. 
I adore going to sleep in one country and waking up in another climate/time zone. 
And I like exploring. And I like coming back. 

I started by saying “8 years from Thailand”, because I think that’s when I realised so much about myself. And realised, I had room for improvement (always), but I was happy with me. 

Landslide 🎼 - any version will do. The words are what is important. 😊

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Travel sick

 There we go, I forgot what this felt like.  See I don't do holidays - not really. I've done a few but it's not really what I do...