Thursday 19 May 2016

Might be fit

Joined the gym. Yup get the laughing done before you read on. 
But it's great. Now I've joined a gym before and it wasn't a wholly pleasant experience. 
It was a sticky place. By that I mean, you could feel (physically and mentally) the sweat that had passed through, the failed fitness dreams. The yuck. 
I did not like the same sex change rooms for swimming. Yeah sure, I got to converse with TB but, I also got to thinking that maybe it wasn't all sweat and water I was stepping in. 
And I had to be bribed to go. That's not effective to anyone, least of all me, considering the bribery took form in ice cream. 
I have a feeling that there will be no coercion required at this new gym place. 
For one, I don't feel sticky when I leave. Everything is fresh and clean and lovely. And I don't feel like I'm a pleb because i don't know what all the machines are called-apparently they aren't medieval torture devices. 
The pool is fantastic with a stop watch thingie so that I know I'm super fast....and I am slightly competitive enough to want to break my current lap time. 
I feel happy when I arrive and amazing when I leave. This has all the markings of a great experience. YESH!!!! 

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Travel sick

 There we go, I forgot what this felt like.  See I don't do holidays - not really. I've done a few but it's not really what I do...