Monday 23 November 2015


I hate being cold. It is most uncomfortable. I appreciate that in order for the world to turn, we need a mixture of heat and the other stuff. But wow! I do not like it. I prefer my chill factor to be the breeze coming off a tropical beach. 
I realised at about 4.30am that I probably should have worn gloves. Scraping the car from its icy covering of frost will impart this revelation. It's now 6.08am and I'm questioning the thickness of my socks....I'm fearful I'm about to lose three toes to frostbite. 
I'm on a train and the heating is at a trickle. I have half of one arm which is just above luke warm, the rest of me is ice cream. Frozen gelato. Of a fruity variety I would say. 
Not sure if I'm slightly manic because no good person should start their day at this time. Maybe milk people, but I work in a place with desks and printers and stuff. Maybe I'm manic because I'm gelato.  
Gloves, I need at least one. 

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Travel sick

 There we go, I forgot what this felt like.  See I don't do holidays - not really. I've done a few but it's not really what I do...