Tuesday 24 February 2015


Dear Nhands

Today is our day. The day, so many years ago, we formed the 1313. The day we had the freaky connection "lost boys". The day our friendship really began. 
And I still remember it so clearly. Hanging out of the train window, scant regard for our safety. It's only now I'm a mother, I realise how reckless we were. But we were fuelled on youth and laughter. Things that never left us when we were together. 
I have lived with you, loved with you, laughed and sobbed with you. We became semi-adults, mothers even. And still our 1313 held out. 
Today I will as always, celebrate our bond. I won't get a text or Facebook post like I used to. But I'm sure I'll get some sign you're with me. 
I miss you, I love you, I wish you could meet TheBear. You'd be thrilled he makes me shriek with giggles.
Tonight is all about the warm cinzano 

1313 always. 

Wednesday 11 February 2015

The twisties of life

I have this theory that people, who are dissatisfied in their own lives, are not happy when others are. It's true that if a person is doing well, then others would like to see them fall a bit. 
See I would rather, that if those people were envious, that they would be inspire to change their circumstances to better what they are disgruntled about. 
I get envy. No, I really do. I think "ah that seems nice" or even "wow, I wish I was that dedicated". But rather than all out jealousy, I know that there's nothing stopping me. 

But I suppose if we all thought like that, then the world would be square. 

And actually those bitter and twisties of the world serve my purpose. They help make me want to make them more bitter and twisty at my success! Ha! 

Thursday 5 February 2015


I found this on my phone and I don't really recall typing it. But I imagine it appeared valid at the time. 

The things that litter your brain at 330am. The thoughts that clutter the vacant and empty corridors of your brain. Like demons they skulk and lurk and hurl their randomness in an assault. And you wonder how did I get here and what am I doing ? This is it or isn't? 

Self worth. Self pity. Self flaggegation. Self doubt. All to do with self. But not self obsessed. 

3.20/am. The worst time for being awake (and sober). Because obviously 3.20am is a good time for dancing when not sober 

Travel sick

 There we go, I forgot what this felt like.  See I don't do holidays - not really. I've done a few but it's not really what I do...