Monday 11 August 2014

Character traits....

Things I know about myself:

a) I am sentimental and quite emotional. For instance, tonight - after a long and meh kind of day: I realised I'm truly going to miss our journeys to and from work, and I got a little bit 'put out'. There will be other journeys - I know this. But the ones to and from work are the ones I'm going to miss. The putting the day to rest (the from) and the gearing up for the day ahead (the to). Having a moan, a chat, a de-stress if you will. I've come to really like the journeys to and from - not something I have before. Thank you for making my work trips a less boring part of my day.

b) I always laughed when people commented on my supposed flaw of wanting things my own way - I mean who else's way would I want them? But today I realised I am quite the perfectionist (never thought I'd write that). I like things ordered and if I have a plan, I want it just so. I was told no by a shop today. Well I heard 'no'...what they said was 'we don't have it in stock'. Well, why ever not? I am the consumer, if it is advertised, then it should be there no? I had it in my head, that was what I wanted - that particular item. So I explored my options - I ran to another shop and was told 'no' there again. *points to note: not one foot was stamped - brattish I am not!* So I went to plan C: I phoned all the shops in that genre in a 20 mile radius. I was thwarted at every turn. I got mad, I got sad and I got annoyed that I had to rethink my purchase. BUT I wanted it to be in the plan, I wanted it to be perfect and just so. And it's not going to be. That sucks and I'm not happy.

c) To follow... I'm tired and I need my bed. :D

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Travel sick

 There we go, I forgot what this felt like.  See I don't do holidays - not really. I've done a few but it's not really what I do...