Friday 23 May 2014

My word(s)

So my last blog hovered briefly on writings I've done. And today at work, while clearing out my desk - going into training dontcha know? New system, new stuff to learn. Hope the brain can handle it. Anyway, I came across my training from last year - yup I'm the poster child for change. And in that folder was a few bits I wrote while in that training - either while I might have been bored or on a break.
I'm going to write it here..purely because it made me laugh. I actually remember that day, I was SO tired that if I hadn't had written something/anything, I would have snored super loudly. (with that said, I don't snore, I snuffle just for the record)

Here it is:

Eyes blinking
Every blink an effort
"Stay up" my brain says
"I'm tired" protests those eyes
And they influence and infect the
Rest of my body
I'm shutting down, going
Into Sleep Mode
Head getting heavier
Arms and legs llooking to
Crawl together, to rest
Side by side
The eyes have it, they win

AJG 02.05.13 11.40 am

Okay it's not great but I was sleepy remember?  And after many years of not writing a lot, I ended up writing 3 that day.

I did one for Nhandi - it's only going to be good for me, but I'm going to post it, because I DO remember writing this one and getting teary and yet today I read it and smiled.

My 'so black it's blue' haired beauty
My smiley, funny, silly best friend,
My thirteen thirteen for ever and beyond
My Cinzano and lemonade chipped tooth
My sister I got to choose
My 'never gonna eat fish again' fairy
The one who knew my mind
Who could answer questions I hadn't yet asked
Who believed I would rule the world
By my side in a BMW cabriolet (white)
Inside jokes and duo's
The other love of my life
The opposite of me, yet the same, my other half
My Nhandi

AJG 02.05.13 12.13pm

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Travel sick

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