Wednesday 9 April 2014


When I was a little girl and my parents had to work - I used to stay with my Granny and then my aunt and my Nana and Papa during the holidays. They were times I look back at very fondly. That was the family network. Yes there was the extended family - like Auntie Rosie, who seemed sad (until later in life) but made the most awesome Marie biscuit sandwiches and Auntie Ruth who used to walk me to school and take me to church. They weren't even my aunties, they were my Nana's aunties just to clarify. And Uncle Jimmy, Auntie Amy and their fig trees (yuck! can't even think of that tree without shuddering).

Anyway, the point I'm attempting to make was that the family took care of it's own.

And the times I spent with them all were special but I want to talk about my aunt. She was supremely glamourous and beautiful and I worshipped the ground she walked on. She was funny/goofy and treated me like an equal. I KNEW I could ask her anything and it be 'totally cool'. My friends all wished they had an auntie like her.  And now I'm an adult, and she's such a constant in my life. Still glamourous and beautiful, still funny and goofy and still treats me like an equal. I used to love going places with her and that's still not changed. And I think that's exactly the reason I was so over emotional last week. That in all the years, we can still get in a car (or not) and have such a good laugh and talk and talk. That we can talk honestly about my mom and I know that we both love her dearly but are frustrated at the same time - not many get that. That our family was full of women who were infuriating, special, neurotic and yet were ours. And now we're the last ones standing, so much has changed yet our relationship hasn't.

Am I gushing? I'm not sure. I just know I miss her completely. That when I'm floundering (it seems) with a teenager in the house, she knows just what approach to take, what words to say. And you know, it's clear my mom looked to Catty in the same way when dealing with me.

It's weird, I don't look at her like I see my other aunts. We are closer than that. I just wish we were closer physically. I really do hate distance. I hate being so far away from people who I want to be nearer to. My LaniMom,  Catty, LBW et al. The world is a small place but 12 hour flights should rather be 12 hour drives at maximum.

When I rule the world.....


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Travel sick

 There we go, I forgot what this felt like.  See I don't do holidays - not really. I've done a few but it's not really what I do...