Saturday 2 November 2013

Where's my blink?

Today I had an headache. It was a bastard of one. It started yesterday, cunningly hovered for a few hours and then slept for a bit. Boom! This morning, bright and early, it was back with a vengeance. But you know, my life doesn't stop because my head is sore. It's Saturday and there are things to do. So while I wanted most desperately to encase myself in my duvet and drown out the day in my bed, what I ended up doing was ferrying CG back and forth from scuba diving. Two coffees I needed to do that. And then HB and Jlo decided it was a Saturday for coffee and so after taking CG to a friend, off I trotted to my favourite little coffee shop. Another two coffee's down the hatch and I was feeling tip top. Little bit manic (as I'd had some coca cola too) it has to be said. But the raging head had gone. Maybe it wasn't the slightly strong coffee, maybe it was just taking CG to something he loved, maybe it was the good old laugh I had with my friends but it had slunk off. And then they scampered off for shopping and I stayed in the coffee shop.

It really is my favourite - maybe because it's not a chain, maybe because it has pretty kitchen ware that I'd love to own. Possibly because the average age is about 124 and therefore I'm a spring chicken. Whatever. I like it there.

And so then I met another friend (blog name to be decided) and another two coffees went down my throat. Tipped over the edge. It was like having the last tequila of a night out. You know it's probably not sensible but you can't think of another option. You don't want to go home just yet, you're having a fab time and you reckon it's the only thing that will quench your thirst. 5pm was the last time I think I had a blink. You know, when your eyes open and shut? They've been on stalks ever since (it's 11.32pm now). I'm tired, I know I am, but I physically cannot shut my eyes. They just boing open when I try. Or one closes and the other goes 'NOPE, I have things to see'. I'm also typing the fastest I ever have!

Picked CG up from friends at 6pm and we went to the supermarket. It seemed that he was really slow, he says I was shopping in fast forward - normally I struggle to keep up with his long legs, but oh no, on those lattés I was steaming ahead like the shops were about to close on Christmas Eve, and you've yet to buy a present for your nearest and dearest (although how near and dear are they really, if it's Christmas Eve and you've not bought one little gift yet?).

When do you get the comedown from the caffeine? Normally this consumption is when I've not had any sleep, burnt the candles right down the middle so I'm unused to feeling this awake.

Pressing the 'post' button now...without so much of an edit. Caffeine clearly makes me reckless. ;)

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Travel sick

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