Friday 4 January 2013


This is my first blog of 2013 and it's the 4th already. And I've not blogged because I've nothing to say, but rather; I'm not sure how to say it.
I want this post to be one I can look back on and say YES! That's what I did.
So goals for 2013:

Fly in a plane -

haha this is an easy one, I'm off to the country of my birth in August. I am just too excited for this trip. The excitement has been dampened quite a bit because I'm not sure how I'm going to adjust to the realisation of Nhandi not being in Cape Town. She has ALWAYS been in Cpt when I came to visit...ALWAYS. I'm pretty sure I'm going to have at least one melt down of hysterics. Just like I did in 2001, when I realised my granny was no longer with us - she died in 1998 yet I only got back to Cpt in 2001. I had done a pretty good job of separating England from South Africa, and I think I only truly realised her passing when I was sitting with my aunts, my mom and my Nana and there was Granny missing. That's going to be the same in August, there will be Mouse, LBW and me and no Nhandi and I don't think that's right. However, the trip will for me be about letting go. Letting go and also reconnecting with my future and my past and me. I can't wait to show CG everything that makes his mother the idiot that she is. I cannot wait to show him stupid things like where his granny fell over in the waves, the things his grandad built, the schools I went to.
And it's a mega school awesome is it going to be to see all those people again? To reconnect with old friends and see how they have grown and forged forward. And hopefully, that's what I can do as well.

And so until August, I shall do all the overtime I can, in order that CG and I have an immense 3 weeks away from the life and grime of our normality!

What else for me in 2013? I shall become the mother of a 15 year old. And that in itself is a scary thing. 15....what an age. It is probably of no help to CG, that I remember so much about that age in myself. That I mark that year as the year that pretty much set out my future thoughts and dreams.

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Travel sick

 There we go, I forgot what this felt like.  See I don't do holidays - not really. I've done a few but it's not really what I do...