Monday 30 May 2016


We were chatting about actors. And how people obsess over them. Are they that great? And it occurred to me, that while there are a few I rather like, I don't have an actor I could gush over. As in "oh my god, i'd just DIE if he/she was here". And in fact I don't think I would....people all the same. I am the girl that stuck her tongue out at Jared Leto so...I guess that could be proving my point. Well, I didn't want him to think I was a fan-girl. And he stuck his tongue out too, so I feel like it was mission accomplished. 
Yes, there are loads I admire. Appreciate for the fine performance they put on. But obsess, dream, want to be or be with?  Nope not one. When I was a pre-teen.....hell yes....being as young as 8 and arguing, no screaming at my considerably older cousin that a singer was going to be mine. The fact he was gay put a spanner in those works. And I've never met him...but I'm still confident he'd like me more than he would like her. 

Maybe Jared Leto is my favourite. He  ticks actor and singer boxes. Maybe I'm just not 10 anymore. 

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Travel sick

 There we go, I forgot what this felt like.  See I don't do holidays - not really. I've done a few but it's not really what I do...