Friday 1 January 2016

Ready steady awesome

So here you are: hello 2016
Now I have no complaints about the year just gone....other than shoo! it went as fast as a moose looking for his next scam. It was a year filled to the brim with road trips, TB living here, not there, right here, adventures to new places, tournaments of varying sorts, festivals and laughter, so much of the laughing. 
Health, wealth and happiness. That's my usual toast. Apart from the odd cold, I've accomplished that toast. Maybe not wealth in the monetary sense (I could always do with a few more numbers on the lotto), but certainly in the spiritual kind. The I'm so chilled right now wealth. 

I'm not really sure a person should ask for more but what the hell, I will. I'm going to request from myself: more of the same plus a bit more dedication to a few goals. Passport renewal to achieve more travel is the first thing to do. 

And my second thing is to look into going back to school. I think if anything, my brain needs to learn more. 

I want to go places I've been before, and places I haven't. I might even be ready for that book about how to tidy your home/life by only keeping the things you love in it. 

2016. I saw you in with super kiss...continue in that vein pleash. 

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Travel sick

 There we go, I forgot what this felt like.  See I don't do holidays - not really. I've done a few but it's not really what I do...