Saturday 13 June 2015

On bands, bars and sunshine

I forget how much I really like them. I recapture a bit of that from song1 of the CD I have. Why is this never on the top10 of my charts? It really should be. I put them in the car earlier this evening and boom! all of a sudden, I want to be dancing and letting my not so longer hair down. To really let go and be wild. I don't do that enough.

I remember finding this band way back upon a time and listening to them on repeat, then forgetting them a little bit. A year or so later I was sitting in a bar in Cape Town - Chilli 'n Lime to be precise. I heard them crash through the speakers and I was instantly at ease. It was a night, I was feeling more socially awkward (read shy) than usual. Isn't it bizarre that hearing them in that bar gave me a little bit of confidence and I ended up quite the social butterfly that night. Fell out of a dingy nightclub at 5am sunrise...a place so far removed from the original bar. The tequila probably helped as much as Incubus. Although I think the album gave me a bit of familiarity in a place which was all trendy and swish and full of the beautiful people. I'm never going to be a trendoid (and I'm not upset about that) but I didn't want to be a dork either.

I kind of love that music can do that to me. Can relax, can inspire me (I'm doing this blog aren't I?), can invigorate me, can lift me and also recapture a memory that I had all but forgotten. And also muse on how much I've grown and how much less of a shit I feel to conform. And that was a great night in the a few dingy rooms pretending to be a nightclub, rock music pumping, with people who wanted to rage the funky machine and dance until we collapsed outside in a heap, with the sun coming up. I don't think I could find that place ever again - I don't even recall the name of it.

And sunshine does that to me as well - it pushes all my buttons and makes me want to do stuff. It makes me restless in a way I can't put into words, but it's a good restless. I wonder if it's the African in me? That requirement to have at least a few hot days a year to have the sun seep into my bones and wake me up. Coffee tries but doesn't reach the spots a touch of heat does.

Bring on this summer, I need to dance and be alive.

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