Tuesday 11 February 2014

Rain Rain go away..

My feet are squelchy. I don’t even think I have leaks in my shoes – I did think I did, but now I think it’s just the constant rain that makes everything feel moist and disgusting. It is like I’m growing a layer of moss on my soles. I just feel damp all the time. *snigger*
And I do realise, that there are other parts of the country, that have it far worse than us in the south east and for that I’m truly grateful. But I’m growing sick of the wet, the wind, the miserable weather we are having. Granted, I prefer it to snow and ice and bad driving and general proper Winter weather, but it’s weary, this rain.
And it’s a little bit depressing. I find myself dreaming of sun drenched beaches, with white sand and crystal waters, where the heat sinks through into your bones. Where you stretch like a cat as the sun warms you up from the inside out. And you can’t stop smiling because you’re warm and happy and did I say warm…..
If I didn’t have to go anywhere, it would be fine. Life would be all about central heating, hot chocolates, coffee, maple syrup, pancakes and bacon. It would be about snuggling in my bed with my bear to keep me warm (yes I have a bear, yes he keeps me warm). It would be all about good food and great company. It would be about laughing because planking tickles, Angels can’t speak English and India appears to be in the deep south.

And as I’m writing this, I think ‘aaaah it’s not so bad as Winter’s go’. I guess I’m just tired of my footwear having a squelch.

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Travel sick

 There we go, I forgot what this felt like.  See I don't do holidays - not really. I've done a few but it's not really what I do...