Wednesday 7 March 2012


It appears baliff action works. I have a few payments of maintenance coming my way. I'd say thank you to the parties concerned but the fact it had to go to 13 years and baliff action, means I've been waiting far too long to be gracious about it.
And it's not that CG has ever gone without but that's been with a lot of help from my parents. There is no way at all my life would be half as easy without them. And yes, it stings when you see the other party has been living it up while I look to Heavens and wonder if I'll manage to buy trainers and PE kit or just the trainers. Or if my gas will last. Now, many folk would say 'Aaah but you bring a child into this world...". And I agree, but I never planned this relationship would end, in fact I put up with cheating within that relationship when I was 6 months pregnant because, the thought of bringing my child into a single parent environment was horrendous to me. I was pertubed enough that I wasn't married, but I digress and my veiws and opinions have moved on from there. I also never thought that my son's father would turn out to be so remiss in his responsibilites. I guess that's the bit that shocked me most of all.

But this is not a woe is me blog, this is just pure facts, that finally I have some maintenance soon to come into my bank. It means the school camp and scouts camp can be paid for outright, it means my credit card isn't going to groan when I take it out my wallet and it means I don't have to ask my dad if I can borrow cash again.

This is my birthday week and it has been grand so far. I've danced until my feet ached, I've laughed with good friends, I had a cupcake from somewhere I've wanted to go for ages (didn't live up to the hype but no matter), I had a video from my lovelies in Australia and a quote from AinW from my N. And roses from someone (haven't a clue).
Yes, if this is what turning *@? does to a person, I'll have some more please!

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Travel sick

 There we go, I forgot what this felt like.  See I don't do holidays - not really. I've done a few but it's not really what I do...