Tuesday 12 July 2011

You know I started thinking about this blog and how I really didn't want to offend anyone with it. Like how if I say something that's not liked. I wouldn't want to hurt anyone with my words. But then I also figure that the people that irritate me the most are self absorbed and full of their own life's importance, that they wouldn't read my blog because it's not about them. Well, time to catch a wake up, because this one is! 
I'm one of those people that aren't like dynamite - one spark and boom! off she goes. No, I'm more a gentle simmer with a big boil at the end. I take the bad behaviour, I take the digs, I take the shit and then I take no more. Maybe I'm more like a camel with straw as opposed to a pot?
I seem to have people in my life who, for the most part, are good people - I like having them around, they're a good laugh, a good shoulder and generally love me to bits. But sheesh, these people are driving me to some very bad moods at the moment. I dislike the whole keeping up with the Jones' attitude, I dislike the showing off of monetary goods. Maybe it's the way I was brought up. I didn't have a family that went without at all. My dad is not a miser and never has been. If he's got it, he'll spend it. We had all the gadgets that were to be had etc. And we also had immense amounts of love in our family. I'm not one of those people who can say that they had a shite childhood, mine was pretty damned good. Oh yes, Mom was WAY too strict until I was 16 - that seems to be the extent of my bad days as a teen. ;o) I was showered with love and everything my heart desired. And therefore it was never about what we had in our house, because we had all I needed. So that's maybe why it pisses me off beyond belief when people brag about what they have... or rather: that's fine that you have the latest x y and z. But seriously, you don't need to make it into an epic tale. Because yes, it's pretty but I don't care. A car is a car, a couch is a couch and a tv is a tv. Can you see the same shows I can? Yes? Well then, who the hell cares that yours is a 2011 model with chrome finish and dual controls and white leather airbags? You are trying to impress the wrong person.
It's the self satisfied smugness when people big themselves up. If I have to hear ONE more time that you've got one leg, three toes, seven children, yet can still do the weekly shop while caring for your aunty's stepson's granny and go to work for 8 days a week, I'll scream. We all have our cross to bear. We all think we're doing an epic job, so you're no different. Just get on with it.
And my favourite whinge of the day: stop putting me down so that you can brag how fab you are doing. I can big myself up too. No actually I can't. I feel like I'm doing a crappy day to day job of keeping afloat. Especially compared to you with your seven kids, ten dogs and your one leg.

I can tell you the outcome of this as well... I'll get so 'gatvol' and so annoyed of your bleating and your gloating, and you putting me down,  that I'll go distant, I'll make excuses and I won't return your calls. And then we won't be friends, and you'll wonder why you lost someone you claim to love so much.

I do value these friendships and I'm sure it's a passing phase but right this minute I just can't be bothered. So excuse me while I hibernate until you both get out of your self absorbed phase.

Aaah already I feel better! And can probably go on another day. Actually, another thought that's crossed my mind: should adulthood really be like kidhood? Time to broaden my circles....

Travel sick

 There we go, I forgot what this felt like.  See I don't do holidays - not really. I've done a few but it's not really what I do...