Friday 6 May 2011

The End

So when I say "Are you seeing anyone?" and you say "No" or some variant of it. And I end up questioning my vibe, my 6th sense, only to find out that the world, his dog and his uncle's sister all know that you have been for quite a while "seeing someone".  Well, then do not be surprised that you are removed from who I consider to be my friends. 
What I value in a friendship is the knowledge that you know me, that you should know that I would be happy for someone else to make you happy. That you spent enough time with me to know that I'm like that. That you could tell me the workings of your life. That you trust me as much as I trust you and value your opinion on my life.
But you don't, so where is this friendship you have harked on about? Clearly you value it as much as an old piece of chewing gum on a thrown away pair of trainers....or maybe not even that much.
And that stings, that hurts, it really does. Call me a fool, because clearly I am. I imagine you'll use the line 'but I didn't want you to be hurt'. But we've both moved on considerably so that's a poor excuse.
Straight answers, that's all I ever ask. It's what your other friends get from you, I don't. Hence, I'm clearly not a friend of yours.

1 comment:

  1. The only value you got from that friendship, was the termination


Travel sick

 There we go, I forgot what this felt like.  See I don't do holidays - not really. I've done a few but it's not really what I do...