Wednesday 8 December 2021


 Again with the not blogging so much. 

Today I get to have my booster jab. And there's just so much discussion about to vaccine or not to vaccine. And yada yada yada. 

I choose to. Now here's the thing. Historically, I don't have a great reaction to things like this. As a child, I reacted so badly to my first inoculation, that I didn't have anymore. When I was writing Matric, measles was travelling around and so we were all told to line up and receive some kind of booster. I didn't have that. Because - bad reaction.

As an adult, I've reacted super badly to the Hepatitis ones and various others. However, when the call came for my Covid jab I nearly ran up to the vaccine centre and here's why. Firstly, the reaction I have to the flu one is mild in comparison to the others. And secondly, getting Covid without a vaccine, seems like it could be a death sentence to me...what with my asthma and all. I would rather suffer with after effects of a injection (rarely has it gone over 72 hours) than be in hospital on a ventilator. 

Most importantly, that's my choice. It's my choice to have these jabs - flu and otherwise. I have decided that Covid would ruin my family as it is, if we weren't vaccinated. I'm not saying I won't get it - but if I do I'm hoping because of the vaccination - that is is a milder form that doesn't impact my life as it is now. 

I HATE being sick, I mean I'm truly the world's worst. Why would I inflict that on anyone. It's bad enough my asthma etc makes me want to scream in frustration, why would I add Covid to that mix. 

I went to a friends yesterday for coffee. She has a cat. I'm allergic (obviously) to cats. (it's milder than it was but still) so I took my meds, and I didn't end up not breathing. I mean, I had streaming and itchy eyes and my breathing was affected but not to the extent I would have been had I not taken something for it. 

D'ya see what I'm saying? Have it, don't have it. But for me, it's my choice to have that because I believe it's to my benefit. 

If it makes me a sheep, I really don't care. If you laugh at me because I'm wearing a mask, again I don't care. Because I'm alive to be a mask wearing sheep. Baa

Today I get my booster.. and because I have an interview this week, please dear vaccine gods, don't let me have a reaction. Which is probably what I wanted to say at the start of this. 

Travel sick

 There we go, I forgot what this felt like.  See I don't do holidays - not really. I've done a few but it's not really what I do...