Thursday 19 April 2018

Different days

So it's been one of those stereotypical Mondays.... only it's Thursday. But no matter...the name of a day doesn't determine the mood of it.
The sun is shining, birds are all of a tweet and yet, things were just a bit off.
However, I got told I'm fairly healthy, I was able to get a Starbucks and I drove fast, my music sing-a-long loud, with the windows down and the wind in my sails/hair and I had a tasty meal. So really, how bad was today? We as a person, tend to focus on the bad and say the whole day was a write off...but I've just noted about several good things that happened. So morals are... don't dwell. I laughed loudly with people... I had text banter with my dad, we had a baby born into the family. An epic day by all accounts..peppered with a hooplehead or two.
But I also found out a friend from teenage 'vagabond' days died... and I reached for my phone to let Nhandi know. Seriously Brain, it's been nearly 6 years. At what point do you stop doing that? And she would get why I'm a little nostalgic, she lived through those days with me. And we could have laughed a lot about all those memories.
So A, you were the epitome of cool to me. A little bit rogue in a suburban way. The one that just went two steps too far, but had a killer smile so got away with it. Taught me how to faint so I could get out of class... gave me a valuable lesson in friendships. Called me when V died and begged me not to come. Held me in the biggest hug when he saw me next and let me cry. Didn't laugh when a motorbike exhaust bit my leg (like everyone else did), but instead put ice/mixed veg on my leg and sat with me all afternoon. Yeah, you had a player tag. You treated some girls abysmally. But you were a teenager, I can't recall anyone who seriously disliked you (except those other good looking guys! :D) You're one of those boys who I'll always remember for being so good to me when I felt all short, full of freckles and awkward. When all the other girls looked like they fitted, you'd pull me onto your lap and whisper some really funny shit. Maybe you recognised me. I probably should have said thank you. Rest well Gus... maybe you and Nhandi can have one of those awful flaming sambucas you crazy cats liked so much.

Travel sick

 There we go, I forgot what this felt like.  See I don't do holidays - not really. I've done a few but it's not really what I do...