Friday 6 March 2015

Happy happy to me!

It's my birthday. So naturally, I woke up at 5am - it's much like Christmas. PING! Hello, happy birthday me!
And you know the older I get, this does not change. Obviously my perception of my birthday changes.... no longer do I want a train set, or a Cabbage patch doll - or a big fat party with a cake of chocolate. I guess it becomes a mark on who thinks of you and takes time out to wish you.

With Facebook it's easy.... a quick Happy Birthday on a wall and job done. And that's cool and I'm amazed at how many do it - 78 and counting. And I'm touched by the personal messages - from the people that have been in my life forever and still love me. That will forever catch me in the heart.

My great-granny always said to never shed a tear on your birthday as you'd cry all year around. A superstition obviously but weirdly I always remember it. But it's hard not to, when you think of people you'd like to share a piece of birthday cake with but you won't or can't.

Am I lonely today? Not particularly. I did stay in bed and wait for CG to bring me a coffee, but he's still asleep so I've gotten up, dressed, made a coffee and I'm on my step. He'll make me breakfast instead. Spring is coming, TheBear is coming - I'll be having a brunch with my family and a drink later. Pretty damn fine birthday weekend in my book.

Life is good. And I know this year will be awesome, it's looking that way!

Travel sick

 There we go, I forgot what this felt like.  See I don't do holidays - not really. I've done a few but it's not really what I do...