Monday 28 February 2011


The above title is what I might be called at this moment in time. 2 hours ago, I was hopping and spitting mad - bit like a frog on a trampoline - I have an ex - for the purposes of this blog, he shall be called "Mr X" (because quite frankly, you never know just who is reading this). He's a waste of my space and while I remember what attracted me, I also question what my sanity was doing for those years I was with him. I like to think it was having a good time, a nice holiday on a sunny beach because it sure as hell wasn't where I wanted it to be! But I digress. Tonight this imbecile has infuriated me beyond belief. I believe that we all grow up - not age because who the hell wants to do that. But we reach a point in our lives when we realise that two pints of tequila is never going to be a good idea, that stripy pink and red leggings are a fashion no-no unless your legs are twig like and that you should pay your bills and be kind to others. We might not want to face up to these responsibilites but we must. We must be adult enough to say 'yes, I screwed up but now I'm a grown up, I shall screw up less and try to put right'. We don't say AHA I know what I'll do - I'll be a stupid idiot because that's all I've ever been. We don't play with other's feelings with no regard espeically if they are a child's feelings, we don't promise what we can't deliver on.

And that's all I shall rant on the situation.

Actually no I won't. You see, I'm not a bitter person, I don't thrive on negativity and I rarely hold a grudge. But sometimes, just sometimes I'm pushed to my limits and I fight for what I believe in. And I dare for anyone to try and hurt those I love. For then, I come out all rather protective.

Just saying that's all.

Travel sick

 There we go, I forgot what this felt like.  See I don't do holidays - not really. I've done a few but it's not really what I do...